diagnocine.DM270 Dig RNA Marker 125ul
diagnocine.DM270 Dig RNA Marker 125ul

- 品牌:diagnocine
- 所属分类:一抗
货品编号: diagnocine.DM270
品 牌: diagnocine
品 名: Dig RNA Marker
规 格: 125ul
DynaMarker, DIG Labeled Blue Color Marker for Small RNA
Cat. No. DM270
Size 125 μl (5 μl × 25 loadings)
Storage -20°C
Range 100 - 20 base
The DynaMarker DIG Labeled Blue Color Marker for Small RNA consists of colored (Blue) and DIG labeled six single-strand
nucleic acids, the apparent molecular weights of which are 100, 75, 50, 40, 30 and 20 bases of RNAs. This marker is suitable
for monitoring denaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and for immunodetection with anti-DIG antibody