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The High Sensitivity DNA kit allows analysis of fragmented DNA or DNA libraries.
正品货源 质量保障
货品编号: Agilent.5067-4626
品牌: Agilent
品名: High Sensitivity DNA 分析试剂盒110样品/试剂盒
规格: 110样品/试剂盒
The High Sensitivity DNA kit allows analysis of fragmented DNA or DNA libraries. · Increased sensitivity - down to 5 pg/µL · Analysis of complex DNA samples - down to 100 pg/µL for fragmented DNA or DNA libraries · Broad linear dynamic range - detection of less abundant PCR products · Smear analysis - specify size range of interest · Quantitation accuracy and reproducibility - quantitation of each DNA fragment against internal standards · Minimal sample consumption - only 1 µL of sample required