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GeneCopoeia.QP015 25µLx20 RT reactions and 20µLx200 PCR reactions
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货品编号: GeneCopoeia.QP015 品牌: GeneCopoeia 品名: 25µLx20 RT reactions and 20µLx200 PCR reactions
The All-in-One™ miRNA qRT-PCR reagent kits include the All-in-One miRNA qRT-PCR Detection Kits and the
All-in-One miRNA First-Strand cDNA Synthesis Kits. When used with All-in-One Validated miRNA Primers or
miProfile™ miRNA qPCR Arrays, the result is high-performance expression-profiling of all miRNAs.
A novel optimized blend of poly A polymerase and reverse transcriptase with an PAP/RT buffer that was specifically
developed for the All-in-One Reverse Transcriptase Mix delivers maximum activity of both enzymes for robust
first-strand cDNA synthesis from mature miRNAs. The All-in-One First-Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit is optimized for
use with miProfile qPCR Arrays.
The All-in-One RT-PCR Detection Kit includes both RT and PCR reagents. It combines PCR technology and SYBR®
Green to make fast and accurate quantification of mature miRNAs from as little as 10 pg of small RNA or 20 pg of total
RNA samples. The kit is designed for use with All-in-One Validated miRNA Primers.