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Nugen.0340-32 RNA建库试剂盒
正品货源 质量保障
货品编号: Nugen.0340-32 品牌: Nugen 品名: RNA建库试剂盒
产品描述: The Ovation® Universal RNA-Seq System is part of a group of products that provide an end-to-end solution for
strand-specific RNA-Seq libraries ready for sequencing on Illumina platforms. These systems combine an efficient,
flexible workflow that accommodates a broad range of total RNA inputs (10 - 250 ng) from a number of sample types
coupled with depletion of uninformative transcripts using the AnyDeplete technology. In addition to rRNA, the AnyDeplete
(formerly known as InDA-C) probes can be customized to target any high-abundant transcript from any organism leading
to an increased dynamic range, reduced sequencing costs, and simplified data analysis. The table below provides a
summary of catalog kits available for rRNA depletion from model organisms. For custom transcript depletion contact
NuGEN Technical Support (techserv@nugen.com).