  • Sigma	T8787-100ML	Triton™ X-100

Sigma T8787-100ML Triton™ X-100

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         货品编号:  Sigma.T8787-100ML

         品牌:  Sigma

         品名:  Triton X-100

         规格:  100ml/瓶


         General description
         Triton X-100 is a non-ionic surfactant and emulsifier which is often used in biochemical applications to solubilize proteins.
         Triton X-100 has no antimicrobial properties.

         It is considered as a comparatively mild detergent, non-denaturing, and is reported in numerous references as a routinely added reagent.

         It does absorb in the ultraviolet region of the spectrum, however, so can interfere with protein quantitation.


         Triton™ X-100 has been used:
         • To permeabilise cells during Immunofluorescent microscopic studies
         • In immunohistochemistry for staining the Flat-mount retinas
         • For estimating the lipase activity in postheparin plasma by using modified Belfrage and Vaughan radioenzymatic procedure


         Related Categories
         Antigen-Vaccine Preparation, Apoptosis and Cell Cycle, Biochemicals, Cell Culture, Core Bioreagents, Detergents,  Detergents A to M, 

         Detergents N to Z,  Detergents by Applications,  Diagnostic Applications,  Electrophoresis Chromatography,  Enzymology,  General Reagents, 

         Life  Science Reagents for Nucleic Acid Purification,  Life Science Reagents for Protein Electrophoresis,  Life Science Reagents for Protein Expression

         and Purification,  Life Science Reagents for RNAi,  Life Science Reagents for Western Blotting,  Membrane Protein Solubilization,  Molecular Biology, 
         Non-Ionic Detergents,  Other Apoptosis Related Reagents,  Research Essentials,  分子生物学,  分子生物学试剂,  去垢剂,  生化试剂,  细胞信号转导和神经科学,  细胞生物学


         grade                                   for molecular biology 
         description                         non-ionic 
         form                                     liquid 
         mol wt                                  micellar avg mol wt 80,000 
                                                      average mol wt 625 
         aggregation number          100-155 
         CMC                                     0.2-0.9 mM(20-25°C) 
         transition temp                   cloud point 65 °C 
                                                      pour point ~7 °C 
         solubility                             water: soluble0.1 mL/mL, clear to slightly hazy, colorless to faintly yellow 
         density                                1.06 g/mL at 25 °C(lit.) 
         HLB                                     13.5 
         foreign activity                   DNase and RNase, none detected 

